jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

City of yurts

Today I'm going to talk to you about a city that impressed me since I knew some interesting data.
It's Ulaanbaatar, capitol city of Mongolia. Not a populous city, nor big and with huge skyscrapers. The fact is that what makes it special, is that has none of those things.
It's a very particular city.

Placed in middle-north of the country, it suffers from being one of the most distant places to sea. In fact, the closest coast is about one thousand and five hundred kilometers in straight line. And what does it means? Basically, the weather is hellish.

Ulaanbaatar is considered the coldest capital city on Earth. In winter, the hard continental weather wins the match against influences of the sea. Many often, temperatures go under minus forty degrees. This situation, in a modern city without any social distinction would not be absolutely catastrophic.

But what if some part of the population has no place to runaway from cold? Hundreds of people, including a lot of homeless kids, have to survive during the long winter. Those kids are called ''rat kids'' because they only found salvation on being close to warm gasoducts under the city. It's not funny that you find holes in the street through which you can see those poor kids.

One of the most stunning things of this city, is the anarchy that rules on urbanism, the mixture of styles. You can see a huge and sordid communist building, and see to the other side and find a delicated and fragile temple that restores the oriental spirit of the scene.

Even with this, there is one thing that dominates the sight. An infinite sea of yurts, the typical tents of mongolic people. This kind of construction that were been given by their powerful and dangerous ancesters, the Hunes. are easily built up and picked up.

This show us the pilgrim nature of mongolian inhabitants. Is like in every moment of their lifes could be a war starting and they should runaway from that place.

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Thanks for reading

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