jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

The lost world

Tepuys are tiny plateaus, that are split into venezuelan grassland. It's number is around a hundred and fifty. There are some remarkable things about this geological structures.

First of all, that they are very ancient. In fact, rocks that tepuys are made has three point eight billion years. We would be talking about the most primitive rock formation on Earth.

Another sensation about this plateaus is the mysticism that induce seeing them, covered by a dense fog most of the time. If we compare them with the huge Himalaya, they would seem small to us, but due to they are in a prairie, they are awesome.

Natives from the place, tell all sort of stories about what can be found at the top of those plateaus, far away from human influence in the way that they are so unreachable. In fact, many people think nowadays that tepuys can be ruled by legendary beasts or even dinosaurs.

However, there is some reality in this statements, and is the fact that biodiversity of this place has no limits, and it can only be obscured by a few places in the world, like its neighboring Amazonia.
Recently, some species of carnivore plants have been discovered at the top of some tepuys, until now they were hidden from the human's eye.

And is that the extremely verticality of tepuy's makes very difficult the biodiversity exchange between bottom and top of those structures. Due to that, endemisms appears, species that are unique of those inhospit highlands.
Another of the achievements of that verticality, is that due to it, some incredible waterfalls appears. As impressive as the one that falls from the Auyantepuy, the famous Angel falls.

Most of this plateaus are placed in the basin of another important river of South America, the Orinoco.
In this same place, we can find the National Park of Canaima, famous for its cute capibaras, the biggest rodent on Earth.

It is also remarkable, that this misterious and tropical landscape, was used as a context in the Arthur Conan Doyle novel ''The Lost World''.
Once you have seen those pictures, and get some knowledge, it is not strange. Tepuys worth it.

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